Year 2018
EL MOUDHANID.DZ, October, 17, 2018
"Tournée de l’Orchestre symphonique de la Radio nationale d’Ukraine en Algérie
Ambassade d’Ukraine en République Algérienne Démocratique et Populaire, October 16, 2018
Volodymyr Sheiko: "Conductor is a vocation"
DETECTOR.MEDIA, July 23, 2018
"Concert" I am VIRTUOZ! "In the House of Sound Recording on the" Ukrainian Radio "and the channel" Culture".
DETECTOR.MEDIA, October, 2018
"Artists of the Symphony Orchestra and Ukrainian Radio Choir
solemnly opened the Cité de la Culture in Tunisia."
"A quand une culture de l'opéra en Tunisie?", March 2018
Year 2017
"Volodymyr Sheyko: Ukrainian Radio Symphony Orchestra raises ratings SUSPILNE
and Ukraine as a whole ".
DETECTOR.MEDIA, October 10, 2017
"National Project "TREE S"
"Music", Magazine, №2, 2017
"Jamala has recorded symphonic version of the song" 1944 "
accompanied Ukrainian Radio Symphony Orchestra "
DETECTOR.MEDIA, 14 February, 2017
"Epochial Tchaikovsky", February 4, 2017
"Culture and Life", February 10, 2017
Year 2016
"Dedication to Ferenc Liszt"
"Teatralno-Contsertnij Kyiv", 7' 2016
"Music is in the air and outside it."
"Slovo Prosvity" ("Word of Education"), 13-19 October 2016
Vladimir Sheiko: "Perhaps, music chose me ..."
“Golos Ukrainy” (“The Voice of Ukraine”), 12 October, 2016
Démarrage du festival de Carthage
"Une belle, mais assez courte présentation"
"LE TEMPS", 15 juillet 2016
"Ouverture du Festival de Carthage : Une ode à la joie"
"Kapitalis", 15 juillet 2016
"Festival Carthage 2016: Une inauguration avec l’hymne national en mode Opéra"
"Tekiano", 14 juillet 2016
"Carmina Burana" à El-Jem : Un chaudron d’émotions
"Kapitalis", 11 juillet 2016
L’Orchestre symphonique ukrainien ouvre le bal
"Conférence de presse du Festival International de musique symphonique d’El Jem"
"LE TEMPS", 2 juillet 2016
"Retour sur la programmation de la 52 édition du festival international de Carthage"
"EXPRESS", 29 juillet 2016
"L'OSN sous la baguette du maestro Volodymyr Sheiko"
La Nouvelle Republique, 31 January 2016
"Le Coin du copiste : Les Ukrainiens ont ébloui les
Gonstantinois, ce week-end"
EI MOUDJAHID, 31 January 2016
"Des -15"C de Kiev à la chaleur algérienne"
El watan, 31 January 2016
"Louiza Hamadi : Elle va piano..."
El watan, 31 January 2016
"Sous la direction du maestro ukrainien Volodymyr Sheiko
L'OSN enchante le public"
Le Jour d’Algerie, 31 January 2016
Gulture, Constantine-2016
"Un OSN tout feu tout flamme sous la baguette du maestro ukrainien
Volodymyr Sheiko"
HORIZONS, 31 January 2016
"Un nouvel élan avec la concertiste algerienne Louiza Hamadi"
L’expression, 30 January 2016
"Musique classique : la concertiste algérienne Louiza
Hamadi donne à Alger de nouveaux élans à l'Osn"
Le courrier d’algerie, 29 January 2016
"La concertiste algérienne Louiza Hamadi donne à
Alger de nouveaux élans a I’OSN"
APS, 28 January 2016
"Un Concerto che risuona di Beethoven"
La GAZZETTA del MEZZOGIORNO, 4 January 2016
La Republica, 2 January 2016
Year 2015
"Conductor Vladimir Shejko awarded the title of People's Artist of Ukraine"
"Cultura I Zhyttia” (“Culture And Life”), 24 November 2015
"In Memoriam..."
Uriadoviy Courier (“Government Courier”), 6 October 2015
"Festival de musique symphonique au TNA
L'Egypte, le Mexique et l'Ukraine brassent le classique et le contemporain"
17 Septembre 2015
16 Septembre 2015
"7e festival culturel international de musique symphonique.
La musique universelle version ukrainienne"
Publié le, 16 вересня 2015 р.
Un concert de musique classique a été donné, mardi dernier au soir, au Théâtre national algérien
Mahieddine-Bachtarzi, Alger, dans le cadre du 7e festival culturel international de musique symphonique,
qui prend fin le 19 du mois en cours.
"Optimism after Requiem"
"Cultura I Zhyttia” (“Culture And Life”), 13-19 February 2015
Pordenone. Italy. Video interview
January 2015
Pordenone. Italy. Video interview Vladimira Sheiko
January 2015
"Concerto di fine anno"
Cultura Pordenone, 2 January 2015
"Un bel concerto dell'Orchestra Sinfonica della Radio di Kiev ha salutato il nuovo anno
per la Camerata Musicale Barese al Petruzzelli."
L'orecchio di Dioniso, 2 January 2015
Year 2014
"Orchestra of Hope"
Zerkalo Nedeli, November 22, 2014
"Radio Butterfly with 90 years of history"
"Cultura I Zhyttia” (“Culture And Life”), November 2014
"L;Ukraine en vedette"
Le jeune Independent, 22 March 2014
"Orchestre symphonique: Bons baisers d’ Ukraine"
El Watan, 22 March 2014
"Les artistes ukrainiens et l’orchestre symphonique national subjuguent le public algerois"
“Musique classique universelle”
INFOSOIR.COM, 20 March 2014
“Le plaisir et la decouverte”
HORIZONZ, 19 March 2014
"MUSIQUE CLASSIQUE: l’ Ukraine hote de l’ Algerie"
El Watan, 17 March 2014
“L’ ukrainien Volodymyr Sheiko dirige l’orchestre”
Le Jour D’ALGERIE, 16 March 2014
Year 2013
"Cl'ture du festival de musique symphonique Une soir'e m'morable"
VITAMINEDZ, 21 Septembre 2013
"Clôture du 5e Festival international de musique symphonique :
Exaltation et enjouement devant un public extraordinaire"
EL MOUDHANID.DZ, 21 Septembre 2013
"5e festival culturel et international de la musique symphonique
Une clôture multinationale"
Horizons, Quotidien national d'information, 20 Septembre 2013
"Le D.G de la radio algerienne reçoit l’ambassadeur ukrainien
et le D.G des radios ukrainiennes"
Rédaction Radionet - Jeudi, 19 Septembre 2013
Un programme somptueux pour finir en apothéose", 19 Septembre 2013
Un brassage culturel réussi"
L'Expression - Le Quotidien, 17 Septembre 2013
"Un brassage culturel réussi au quatrième soir
du 5e Festival international de musique symphonique"
L'Expression - Le Quotidien, 16 Septembre 2013
Une édition dédiée au message de paixet de fraternité entre les peuples"
"La Tribune", 10 September 2013
"L’orchestre symphonique national en concert au TNA : Une soirée enchanteresse"
EL MOUDHANID.DZ, 13 Aprile 2013
"Un récital sous la direction du maestro ukrainien Volodymyr Sheiko"
TRIBUNE, 13 Aprile 2013
"Un récital de l’Osn à Alger sous la direction du maestro ukrainien Volodymyr Sheiko"
(APS), 12 Aprile 2013
"Skikda : concert de l’orchestre symphonique national"
El Watan. com, 11 Aprile 2013
LeSoirAlgerie. com
Un concert de musique classique
«Horizons», Demain au TNA, 9 Aprile 2013
"Intellectualism and melody are two wings of the music"
"Chornomors'ski Novyny" ("Black Sea News"), 28 February 2013
Year 2012
Festival International de la Musique Symphonique D'Alger
"Haendel, Tchaikovski, Ince et Sakamoto pour une soiree de december", 11 Desember 2012
4 Edition du Festival International de la Musique Symphonique D'Alger
"Cing escales dans l'univers de l musique", 11 Desember 2012
"Pianasta Russa Podio Ukraino"
Giornale di Sicilia", 9 November 2012
RIA News - Ukraine, 4 November 2012
Conductor Vladimir Sheiko:
“I don’t want control slaves, I want to work with colleagues”
“Zerkalo Nedeli. Ukraine” (“Mirror of the week. Ukraine”) № 27, August 10 2012
“Musical world view"
"Cultura I Zhyttia” (“Culture And Life”), 15 June 2012
"First time in Ukraine"
“Cultura I Zhyttia” (“Culture And Life”), 6 Aprile 2012
"Ukrainian cinema music sounded in Lviv"
Publishing House "Р" (Lviv, Ukraine), 29 January 2012
"Soundtracks for Ukrainian films were performed in Lviv Philharmonic"
ZIK (Lviv, Ukraine), 27 January 2012
Year 2011
"One-man orchestra: Meet conductor Volodymyr Sheiko"
"KyivPost", 26 August 2011
“El mundo de la musica es una droga, te exige mas y mas cada dia”
“La Opinion”, 4 January 2011
Year 2010
“An evening with Andriy Petrov”
“Uriadoviy Courier” (“Government Courier”), 23 November 2010
“Works and days of Andriy Petrov”
“Rabochaya Gazeta” (“The Worker Newspaper”), 15 October 2010
“On Air – Music Universe”
“Golos Ukrainy” (“The Voice of Ukraine”), 16 July 2010
“Elton John’s concert was attended by nine thousands, ours – by seven”
“Uriadoviy Courier” (“Government Courier”), 12 June 2010
“On the Sofa with… A Maestro of destine”
“WHAT’S ON” (Ukraine), May 2010
“Music of those seeking heights”
“Molod Ukrainy” (“The Youth of Ukraine”), 23 April 2010
“Massage of Radio Orchestra”
“Kievskie vedomosti” (“Kiev News”), 23 April 2010
“One of the best units…”
“Rabochaya Gazeta” (“The Worker Newspaper”), 26 March 2010
"Maestría musical en 40 voces infantiles únicas
El Lienzo Norte disfrutó de los Niños Cantores de Kiev y La Orquesta Sinfónica de Ucrania"
Diario de Avila _digital, (Avila), 8 January 2010
"El Principal acogerá 39 espectáculos de teatro, música y danza el primer semestre de 2010
La Orquesta Sinfónica de Ucrania inauguró
con un concierto la nueva temporada del recinto ourensano"
La Region, (Ourense), 4 January 2010
"El Teatro de Las Cortes cierra su programación con el concierto de Fin de Año
El acto estuvo a cargo de la orquesta sinfónica de la Radio Nacional de Ucrania", (San Fernando), 2 January 2010
Year 2009
"La Orquesta Sinfónica de la Radio Nacional de Ucrania
despide el año musical en la ciudad", 31 December, 2009
RADIO TORREMOLINOS.UA, (Torremolinos), 18 December, 2009
“With angel on shoulder”
Internet publication of National Compositors Union,
30 September 2009
“Just a genius from Krimea”
“Kultura” (“Culture”), 10 September 2009
Year 2008
“Concerts Live”
“Uriadoviy Courier” (“Government Courier”), 24 May 2008
“Musicians under the auspices of the Radio”
“Golos Ukrainy” (“The Voice of Ukraine”), 24 May 2008
“Great holiday of great music”
“Kultura” (“Culture”), May 2008
Year 2006
“He who pays the pipers calls the tune?”
“Teatralno-concertniy Kyiv” (“Theatrical Concert Kiev”) (Ukraine), 5 May 2006
"Fantasies in jazz tones"
“Democratychna Ukraina” (“Democratic Ukraine”), April 2006
“The basis of music – improvisation. Then it was bounded into the form»
“Democratychna Ukraina” (“Democratic Ukraine”), 8 April 2006
“Artistic News”
“Teatralno-concertniy Kyiv” (“Theatrical Concert Kiev”) (Ukraine), 4 April 2006
“Rossini sounded on Holy week”
“DELO" (“Case”) № 119, 14 April 2006
“Do not give up hope, Maestro”
“Deistvuyushie Lica” (“Acting Persons”), March 2006
“Welcome to the ball”
“Profil” (“Profile”), 27 February 2006
Year 2001
“Italian Easter Music”
“WHAT’S ON” (Ukraine), 27 April - 3 May 2001
“Easter meetings” with opera”
“Pravda Ukrainy” (“The Truth of Ukraine”), 27 April 2001
“Masters of the Italian opera in Ukraine”
“BIP” (Ukraine), 24 April 2001
“Italian Musical Easter”
“WHAT’S ON” (Ukraine), 13-19 April 2001
Year 2000
“Companion” (Ukraine), 20-24 November 2000
“Common name of unusual woman – Clo-clo”
“Express-Ob’yava” (“Express-Ad”), 20-25 November 2000
“Weddings are celebrated even in jail”
“Democratychna Ukraina” (“Democratic Ukraine”) (Ukraine), 24 November 2000
“Franz Lehar again”
“Uriadoviy Courier” (“Government Courier”) (Ukraine), 18 November 2000
“Really theatrical music”
“Teatralno-concertniy Kyiv” (“Theatrical Concert Kiev”) (Ukraine), November 2000
“Premier of “Clo-clo”
“Nasha Gazeta” (“Our Newspaper”) (Ukraine), 18 November 2000
“Clo-clo” – adventure and satire”
“Stolytsia” (“The Capital”) (Ukraine), 16 November 2000
“Ukrainer singen auf der St.-Ursen-Treppe”
“Solothurner Zeitung” (Switzerland), 17 August 2000
“Singende Botschafter der Ukraine”
“Solothurner Zeitung" (Switzerland), 12 August 2000
“La vie Parisienne, version 2000!”
“Midi Libre" (France), 3 January 2000
“La Vie Parisienne a L’Amphi”
“Midi Libre" (France), 2 January 2000
Year 1998
“New generation on “Porgy and Bess” watch”
“Ukraina Moloda” (“Young Ukraine”), 25 November 1998
“Easy genre” of George Gershwin”
“Cultura I Zhyttia” (“Culture And Life”), 7 October 1998
“Opera in the Theatre of operetta”
“Democratychna Ukraina” (“Democratic Ukraine”), 6 October 1998
Photos of the show “Porgy and Bess”
“What’s On” n. 26, October 15 – 21/1999
“The man I love, or the century of genius”
“Nezavisimost” (“Independence”), 26 September 1998
“New frontiers of capital’s operetta”
“Muzyka” (“Music”) № 5, September – October 1998
“Watching “Porgi and Bess” from two different seats”
“Kyiv Post”, 25 September 1998
“Chronicle of unannounced Festival”
“Segodnia” (“Today”), 3 September 1998
“Musical – singing George Gershwin’s opera in Ukrainian”
“Muzychniy Tyzhden” (“Musical Week») №№ 28–29, August – September 1998
“Singing Jazz in operetta”
“Teatralno-concertniy Kyiv” (“Theatrical Concert Kiev”) №№ 7–8, September 1998
“Gershwin’s holiday”
“Nezavisimost” (“Independence”), 1 September 1998
“The avowed intent of Kiev operetta is “Porgi and Bess”
“Kievskiy Vestnik” (“Kiev Massenger”), 6 August 1998
“American national opera – on Ukrainian stage”
“Molod Ukrainy” (“The Youth of Ukraine”), 24 July 1998
“The broad horizons of the genre”
“Uriadoviy Courier” (“Government Courier”), 18 July 1998
“Dream a little to the music of Gershwin”
“Rabochaya Gazeta” (“The Worker Newspaper”), 16 July 1998
“Porgi and Bess in the end of the season”
“Khreschatik”, 16 July 1998
“Real Gershwin”
“Cultura I Zhyttia” (“Culture and Life”), 15 July 1998
“Our purpose – to try to free operetta from traditional stereotypes”
“Vechirniy Kyiv” (“An Evening Kyiv”), 7 July 1998
“Porgi and Bess in the end of the season”
“Zerkalo Nedeli” (“The Mirror of Week”), 4 July 1998
“Love, poverty and evil in the afro-american style”
“Kievskie Vedomosti” (“Kiev News”), 4 July 1998
“Afro-american passion for Gershwin settled in the Operetta Theatre”
“Comsomolskaya Pravda” (“The Truth of Comsomol”), 3 July 1998
“Gershwin in repertoire, Offenbach – in plans”
“Ukraina Moloda” (“Young Ukraine”), 2 July 1998
“Porgi and Bess in the end of the season”
“Zerkalo Nedeli” (“The Mirror of Week”), 25 – 28 June 1998
“Twins of Armstrong and Fitzgerald appeared in Kiev”
“Fakty” (“Facts”), 19 June 1998
“Porgi and Bess on stage of Operetta Theatre”
“Khreschatik”, 25 June 1998
“Porgi and Bess are kievans now”
“Moskovsky Comsomolets” (“Moscow Comsomolets”), 25 June–2 July 1998
“Gershwin comes back to Ukraine”
“Moskovsky Comsomolets” (“Moscow Comsomolets”) № 12, 18-25 July 1998
Year 1997
“Theatre begins with love”
“Uriadoviy Courier” (“Government Courier”) (Ukraine), 27 March 1997
Year 1996
“Vivat, Kiev Operetta!”
“Muzyka” (“Music”) (Ukraine), July- August 1996
“Operetta performs “Requiem”
“Kievska Pravda” (“The Truth of Kiev”) (Ukraine), 29 May 1996
“Artistic News”
“Teatralno-concertniy Kyiv” (“Theatrical Concert Kiev”) (Ukraine) № 6, May 1996
“Au Madeieme Palace, Vive Offenbach”
“Chalon sur Saone” (France), 10 January 1996
Year 1995
“Concerto di fine anno”
“Corriere Adriatico” (Italy), 28 December 1995
“Oggi musiсa polifonica e domani sinfonica”
“Il Resto del Carlino” (Italy), 28 December 1995
“Avezzano / Grande evento musicale / L’Orchestra di Ucraina in concerto al Castello”
“Il tempo – Abruzzo” (Italy), 27 December 1995
“Un concerto con l’Orchestra “Ucraina” di Kiev”
“Il Messaggero” (Italy), 24 December 1995
“Magliano Musica classica nelle scuole”
“Cronaca della Marsica” (Italy), 15 December 1995
“Gli appuntamenti per Natale della Cast Lirica”
“Il Messaggero” (Italy), 15 December 1995
“Tre concerti di grande interesse”
“Marsica” (Italy), 14 December 1995
“Une soiree a la gloire d’Offenbach”
“Vichy” (France), 31 October 1995
“In unison or strokes to the portrait of a new musical group”
“Khreschatik” (Ukraine), 8 September 1995
“Soire d’apotheose a l’abbaye St-Philibert”
“Region” (France), 16 July 1995
“Le Requiem de Verdi”
“Tournus demain” (France), 15 July 1995
“Concert exeotionel a l’abbaye St-Philibert “Le Requiem de Verdi”
“Tournus” (France), 15 July 1995
“Music season in capital ends with “ Requiem” G. Verdi. Soon it will sound in France”
“Vechirniy Kyiv” (“An Evening Kyiv”) (Ukraine), 14 July 1995
“Triomphe l’O.C.R.P.A… et d’Offenbach avec l’opera de Kiev”
“Journal de Saone et Loire” – Chalon sur Saone (France), 20 April 1995
“Offenbach ou l’operette-champagne”
“Vichy” (France), 19 April 1995
“The secret of Rebirth”
“Musyka” (“Music”) (Ukraine), January- February 1995
Year 1994
“Orchestra “Ucraina”
“Il Resto del Carlino” (Italy), 27 December 1994
“Orchestra e banda – Concerto in teatro”
“Il Resto dell Carlino” (Italy), 22 December 1994
“In partenza Lórchestra di Kiev”
“Il Resto del Carlino” (Italy), 15 August 1994
“L’orchestra sinfonica di Kiev da l’arrivederci al prossimo anno”
“Corriere Adriatico” (Italy), 15 August 1994
“Morovalle decreta il troinfo al’orchestra di Kiev e al “suo” Marco Sardellini”
“Macerata” (Italy), 12 August 1994
“L’Orchestra di Kiev”
“Seravalle di Chienti” (Italy), 10 August 1994
“Luci sull’operetta”
“Corriere Adriatico” (Italy), 31 July 1994
“Kiev Operetta discovers Italy”
“Democratychna Ukraina” (“Democratic Ukraine”), 16 June 1994
“European leveled Ukraine”
“Finansovaya Ukraina” (“Financial Ukraine”) (Ukraine), 27 April 1994
“For conductor’s panel – Volodymyr Sheiko”
“Khreschatik” (Ukraine), 26 April 1994
Year 1993
“Potenza Picena, mostra e concerto”
“Il Resto del Carlino” (Іtaly), 4 August 1993
“There was a sound in the begining”
“Kievskie Novosti” (“Kiev News”) (Ukraine), January 1993
“Sferisterio/L’Ucraina socio del teatro Maceratese c’e l’orchestra di Kiev”
“Corriere Adriatico” (Italy), 5 August 1993
“Kiev – Macerata: the dialogue in the language of music”
“Vechirniy Kyiv” (“An Evening Kyiv”) (Ukraine), 3 November 1993
Year 1992
“Everything is deficit. Except talents”
“Vechirniy Kyiv” (“An Evening Kyiv”) (Ukraine), 30 December 1992
Year 1991
“The Kiev virtuosos within the “Ukraine” Orchestra”
“News from Ukraine”, 21 May 1991